The new Adult Swim animated series, My Adventures With Superman, combines elements of anime with classic Superman storytelling.

The new Adult Swim animated series, My Adventures With Superman, combines elements of anime with classic Superman storytelling.

Fans of Superman may initially find the series' anime-inspired visuals and animation style different from traditional portrayals.

The show introduces a young Clark Kent as he tries to navigate his normal life while discovering his extraordinary powers.

My Adventures With Superman updates the story for a modern audience, with Clark and his roommate Jimmy Olsen starting their internship at the Daily Planet.

The series features the iconic characters of Lois Lane and Perry White, as well as the introduction of a government conspiracy and a trio of villains.

While the show takes liberties with established Superman lore, it still delivers satisfying standalone episodes with compelling storylines.

The voice acting, particularly from Jack Quaid, Alice Lee, and Ishmel Sahid, brings charm and energy to the characters, making them relatable and endearing.

The series strikes a balance between the conspiracy plot and Clark's inherent goodness and relationships with his friends.

Although some character revisions may not work as effectively, the overall fresh take on familiar stories is well-executed.

My Adventures With Superman captures the essence of the beloved hero, showcasing his altruism, love for his friends, and commitment to doing good, even in the face of anime-inspired challenges.